30/08/2012 Planning documents lack essental data fo planning purposes says resident Joe Palmer

30/08/2012 Planning documents lack essental data fo planning purposes says resident Joe Palmer

30/08/2012 Planning documents lack essental data fo planning purposes says resident Joe Palmer 1920 1440 admin

From Resient Joe Palmer, following GVG Public Meeting of 28th August 2012

This is just to congratulate you on an excellent and very well-attended meeting.  It was a coup to have Councillor Palmer (no relation, by the way!) present and contributing in a constructive way.

The main messages I took away were that the interim planning document lacks essential data for planning purposes, e.g. a proper traffic study and an economic analysis of growth opportunities for Guildford, and that it is a ‘living document’.  It is very important to hold the Council to this with regular opportunities for consultation as new data comes in and no unreasonable deadlines for responses.  I found Julian Lyon’s presentation very stimulating and clearly presented.

My only mildly critical comment is that in this day and age to hold a public meeting in a very large room without amplification and a roving microphone and with visual aids which are too small and too low down to be clearly read at the back of the hall is a bit amateurish.

I am very happy to continue to support the Group.

Joe Palmer