Guildford Vision Group (GVG) congratulates the Council at the end of the Local Plan public hearings yesterday where the Inspector indicated he would find the Plan sound.
GVG has taken considerable comfort in that the Inspector, in requesting a main modification of the Plan, has called on the Council to include a new policy for the Town Centre, where many of the improvements sought by GVG can be incorporated.
GVG, at the request of the Inspector, has already submitted comments and suggested amendments on the first draft by the Council of the Town Centre Policy S3, produced during the course of the hearings.
“We are really pleased with the Inspector’s call for a new Town Centre policy,” said John Rigg, chairman of GVG. “He has clearly recognised the importance of the Centre. He made particular comment on the poor environment for pedestrians and also the need for better design management of development outside the historic core. We look forward to constructive dialogue with the Plan team in the formulation of Policy S3”
GVG has spent the last six years calling for a comprehensive masterplan for the town centre, including new and improved infrastructure. It has produced its own masterplan, launched to much public acclaim and support in February last year.
The Council are now revising the Local Plan in line with the Inspector’s detailed observations. The amendments, including the new Policy S3, will be the subject of public consultation on the Autumn if all goes to plan.